Tea? (Part 3)

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Leg End Member
Good evening Mr. 172traindriver :hello:
You missed him. He went to bed.


Legendary Member
Evening peeps. Its quiet here tonight. Has everyone gone to sleep.? :hello: :cuppa: been out today. Then it rained as soon as i got back. Thunder and lightening. Big big downpour.

I'm awake, been on the rollers :hello:


Legendary Member
Here's my sage advice for the day.

When your wife is telling you about her work mates and their weight/diets, don't say, "why is she on a diet, she looks about the same as you?"

You might be in a bit of a sticky situation when you wife points out that her mate is actually a stone heavier. :smile:

Oh dear @stephec I bet you wish tour little trip to meet Helga and Olga wasn't cancelled :laugh:
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I am your Father
Going out later, on the bike. To meet Hubster from dialysis.
I have a nice cuppa and watching the Tour highlights. I've been and practiced guitar for 20 mins or so but no feeling the love tonight.
Hi to you & to hubby, hope his treatment wasn't to tiresome.

Keep at the guitar when you can, just reading Guitar & Bass mag while junior goes sleep.

Evenin' to the rest of you too.
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