Tea? (Part 3)

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Leg End Member
Well people. Im tired. I'm finding it hard to keep my eyes open, so im going to bid you goodnight. Sleep well everyone. Nos da. :hello:

glad you finally exchanged contracts Mike. Well done. Congratulations.:cheers:


Leg End Member
Goodbye Hello.jpg


Morning folks.

Apologies for just disappearing off last night. Very rude of me. Anyway, the bread is proving in the oven, the sky is bright blue, and all is well with the world. Unfortunately, I have about 10 hours of work to fit into a truncated day, and I've got to show a plumber around the new house (that should be a giggle), and a removal man around this one.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Morning everyone. I'm having a mini crisis, today I'm going to a place that's too snobby for a costa or a greggs, and now I'm anticipating paying in excess of £5 for an 'artisan' cup of tea, I don't like it. :cry:

A flask , mikey lad, a flask...or treat yourself to a Jetboil, amazing piece of equipment

Morning folks.

Apologies for just disappearing off last night. Very rude of me. Anyway, the bread is proving in the oven, the sky is bright blue, and all is well with the world. Unfortunately, I have about 10 hours of work to fit into a truncated day, and I've got to show a plumber around the new house (that should be a giggle), and a removal man around this one.

My bread died a death and never rose fully (no obvious witty cracks please)...the local wildlife will be happy or filled up with stodge

A good bright morning here which means a lot of wwwwwwwwwwwork (for you Ms WD)...
lets hope the humidity is lower today.
Morning all:hello:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
A flask , mikey lad, a flask...or treat yourself to a Jetboil, amazing piece of equipment

My bread died a death and never rose fully (no obvious witty cracks please)...the local wildlife will be happy or filled up with stodge

A good bright morning here which means a lot of wwwwwwwwwwwork (for you Ms WD)...
lets hope the humidity is lower today.
Morning all:hello:

Sorry bob. Still don't get the WWWWWWW word. No no no. Have a good one anyway. GOOD MORNING EVERYONE. Its a nice day today. Sorry you'll have to pay that much for a cup of tea Mikey. Enjoy your day everyone. And don't WWWWWW to hard :laugh: my coffee is wunderful :cuppa:

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Sorry bob. Still don't get the WWWWWWW word. No no no. Have a good one anyway. GOOD MORNING EVERYONE. Its a nice day today. Sorry you'll have to pay that much for a cup of tea Mikey. Enjoy your day everyone. And don't WWWWWW to hard :laugh: my coffee is wunderful :cuppa:
Thank you..
I'll return one of your WMD's (anagram of Ms WD funnily) when I'm slaving under the hot sun...
nah sod it..
here's one now coming at ya..

I'm off, early lift today:thumbsup:


Middle Earth
Morning all.
I've been up for a while now....it's never good on this date every year, as it's the day we lost my mum to Pancreatic cancer....13 years ago.
Always difficult....BUT, the sun has come out, Elvis is on my calendar for July and I'm off out on the bike in an hour or so.
Keep smiling CC'ers :smile:

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
Morning all.
I've been up for a while now....it's never good on this date every year, as it's the day we lost my mum to Pancreatic cancer....13 years ago.
Always difficult....BUT, the sun has come out, Elvis is on my calendar for July and I'm off out on the bike in an hour or so.
Keep smiling CC'ers :smile:
I know it doesn't help much, and I'm way too far away, but anyway: :hugs:
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