One day I'll show my home-made route scroller thingy on here. Anyway, it involves putting all the directions for a trip onto a strip of paper 80mm wide, and rolling it up tightly. I've just finished sorting out tomorrow's ride, and the strip of directions is about 4 feet long!! I'm heading to Ely, where I hope to have a look around the cathedral and find some cake. Home via Ixworth, to the east of Bury St Edmunds to drop in on mum, (more cake), then home. 105miles in theory, but there is almost certain to be a navigation cock-up somewhere, with about 120 turns to get right. I won't be looking to break any records, as I have another long ride on Sunday with the club.
I've bought a bar bag, so I may just have room for the camera, presuming that the weather doesn't mean having to take spare bits of clothing. If so, there'll be photos.