Yes, flowers are so expensive! We have one large spray for the top of his coffin and donations for those that wish, to the British Heart Foundation, as daddy had previously had two strokes, and his official cause of death was heart failureThat's going to be a full house.
On the funeral, most nowadays seem to be family flowers only, and donations to charity from everyone else instead.
Did your dad have a favourite charity we could donate to?
Taintthatcold!Aww Ta
Meal break soon, in the![]()
That's the cocaine fields..
Snow lets them grow it quick..
Mixture here,
I was in the toon and path outside was slippy but at sea level, nothing?
Snow keeps appearing on hills across the water and disappearing, temp seems to be going up then dropping down below zero again..
weird one..
Just remember who arrived today, to add to the confusion.
It'll stabilise once he's gone.
You've got me on this, ole bag o'bones..
Its who you replied to!
He's not been back since. Reckon he tried his "creation" and its come back to bite him?
Here it has,
dogs abuse( not warranted) from a German on radio...daft eejit gave himself away 5 mins sent to him.
Shops with oldest daughter..wrong stuff in her parcel..shops mistake..
Tried to fire up this go..fuse replaced.
then a brain fart on a post (a regular occurrence).
still icy so no oot on ma bike...
It WILL improve, I have cider chilling![]()
.....where not a lot has happened.
Well you've got my bank details!
Good Game - Good Game.
(where, when, who, what)
Good side or Yorkshire ?
Tried that. He seems a "little" confused over the matter.
Should do by now