You're milking it, Mr
View attachment 76725
Tea tastes better without the stuff..
pull the udder one, milk is great.
"if you don't drink lots of milk - you'll only be good enough to play for Accrington Stanley"
Afternoon Bobby M.
How long you been a Grid Iron fan ?
Used to do a bit (in the street at night) between say 13 & 15 years old.
A mate was really good, but then he was good at everything except football, he was 6ft 4" with massive mitts & could throw arrow straight for what seemed like miles.
He had the Pro helmet & pads, the lot & played amateur American Football (there were a few teams back then).
This was all in the mid 80's when (as you remember) it was huge over here with the kids.
I used to stay up, watching NFL in my bedroom, listening out for my Dad (Step Dad) coming up the stairs, then turn it off quick.
Never got away with it though, telly used to take about 3 mins to reduce down to a little spot in the middle.
49'ers for me, had the best quarter back going.
Do you remember "The Refrigerator" ?