Back from dog walk. Didn't take the pup as he refused to have his coat or his lead on, so he got left behind.
Just around the corner is a kid, lying in the road being attended by paramedics. It's mother is yelling at the police "but it's her christmas bike, it's christmas". Police said something about the fact she should have bought some christmas lights to go on the bike too. Mother and kid, all dressed in black cycling on an unlit road. Kid was well ahead, going by what I could hear, and got hit by an oncoming car. Car driver in bits and I feel really really sorry for her. We get a lot of bikes around here, ridden by kids, no lights fitted. It was only a matter of time. Mother doing her nut at the police but ignoring her child on the floor. Seems a bit of a charmer.
I have a cup of tea now.