Tea? (Part 3)

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Middle Earth
Just in from guitar lesson, which is not nearly as cool as it sounds.
After lesson we went and got a new tyre for the car, then out to Wymondham to chat with our Saab man, then dived back in to let the dogs out and grab my grooming stuff and then straight back out of the door to meet with a new dog walking customer. As soon as we had left the walking customer we were straight to next Wednesday's grooming customer - hence grabbing my kit - as her boss has suspended her holiday and she has to be in Abu Dhabi by Monday night.

All in all, its been a bit fraught. My depression is biting and then I smacked my knee on the funny corner in the bedroom so now I'm miserable as anything and limping. It's a fast day so I cannot head for the wine or the chocolate. I've been very good and had chicken noodle soup but I really want to go to Aldi and get a litre of chocolate ice cream and sprinkles and toffee sauce and squirty cream and..........

Cup of tea then.
Hugs :hugs:


Midlands UK
There is a football match this afternoon: Leics City V Man City, a whole bunch of blokes turned up at the pub for a drink and have now left to go to the match. Rather them than me on a cold day like today.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Still Ill. Didn't go to Abertawe yesterday, stayed in bed, was up all night making regular trips to the bathroom and today is the first time I've had a cup of tea since Thursday xx(

Hope you feel better soon Mikey. :hugs:


Über Member
Was there any action taken against him or was just a case of yet another cyclist paying the price for minding his own business as you say.
It is really annoying the standard of driving and any of us that ride bikes on the roads have all had similar experiences, but hopefully not as bad as yours. There is such a debate about responsibility and plenty of motorists don't think they are doing anything wrong most the time when they cut you up, they reckon they have priority, they pay their taxes and all that crap.
I wish the law was changed to make them responsible and they would have to prove they were in the right, because presently they just seem to get away with most of it and the cyclist nearly always seems to be at fault.
Sorry to hear about what happened to you, and I hope this is the start of you getting your confidence back and enjoying the pleasures of getting out and riding. :thumbsup:
The driver was prosecuted for dangerous driving, nowadays their given the option of attending a coursen run by the police which is aimed at improving people's driving.
Whether it works or not I have no idea and very little faith. Apparently they have to pay to go on it £100 or more,and it can be anywhere in the country.If they refuse that option then he would have been taken to court. I have had to see various specialists and am waiting an appointment to see an Orthopedic expert.
My claim is ongoing, hr wrote off my beloved pinarello fp uno, I had a £1,000 worth of clothing, shoes, helmet etc on which was either ruined by the impact, ruined by hitting the road from 15-20 foot up or cut to ribbons by the ambulance crew trying to get at me, Lycra is not good when someone is trying to undress you quickly.
He wasn't too far away from writing me off to, so I think I'm entitled to something, only if it's to replace my bike and clothes.:smile:


World class procrastinator
I have a cuppa and a slightly sore back but nothing that won't sort out with a glass of wine and a hot shower.
We have moved our bedroom from the front room to the back room. I know that we moved from the back to the front at the end of October but hitting my knee on the bit of wall that sticks out, on a regular basis, is really starting to gall now.

This time though, we moved book cases (which were still flat last time), the wardrobe. The bedroom is now about sorted. The office/guitar room is a bloomin' shambles still.
We are considering moving the freezer to the office room, which means that we can add some much needed work-surface to the stupid kitchen and possibly a wall cupboard. The person who designed our kitchen must have been taking advice from Stevie Wonder. Sadly, it's only been in since September and we are not allowed to make it sensible/workable. We have been out and bought a florescent light for it though. Currently the kitchen is lit by a single, low energy bulb, so it's next to useless.

We'll sort it out tomorrow before the wwww's showcase in the evening, where we are off to take some decent pictures of the event. In the meantime, I have tea and I have twiglets.
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