Tea? (Part 2)

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Vice Admiral
OOh - that'll teach me to read the thread properly :blush:

My washing machine has a dodgy door catch. Could I borrow your hand to keep closing the door please? :thumbsup:
If you decide to attempt to replace the door catch, by spending a lot of time identifying the correct spare part, and reading all the instructions, please be very careful that you do not accidentally drop any other essential part of the door mechanism (that you will definitely need later) inside the gap between the carcase of the machine and the drum. It will not necessarily drop through the body of the machine, and onto the floor.

Furthermore, do not ask me how I know this. :whistle:

Night Train

Maker of Things
Yes, all back to normal :thumbsup:

Here's my finger to help with the restart button on your tumble dryer, NT:

Thanks Rocky, only needed 9 restarts this time!:thumbsup:


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Still no snow [in case you might be concerned.... silly me!]


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Drat, headache back again! :wacko:
Early night I think.

Night night.:hello::hugs::smooch:

Back from pancakes, had a nice time. NT would have liked it, we were being forcefed the last few pancakes, as Gromit and Bikepete had made about 8 gallons of mix.

I took banananananananas and chocolate sprinkles, and brought back n-1 bananananananananas and slightly fewer sprinkles.

Tired now.:tired: Decided to walk there and back, listening to music on my new phone. I think I actually get more exercise that way, because I walk quite fast, whereas on the bike I'd just pootle.

I'll be in bed soon... :tired:

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
If you decide to attempt to replace the door catch, by spending a lot of time identifying the correct spare part, and reading all the instructions, please be very careful that you do not accidentally drop any other essential part of the door mechanism (that you will definitely need later) inside the gap between the carcase of the machine and the drum. It will not necessarily drop through the body of the machine, and onto the floor.

Furthermore, do not ask me how I know this. :whistle:

Hmmmph - I looked at the prices for a new thingumy and could not beee-leeeeve it. I could get a "new" second hand machine for not much more. Grrrrrrrrrr. So I've installed a DIY catch opener mechanism (aka a bit of wire one pulls on) and there is a need to thump things to get the catch to, well, err, catch. Sometimes it doesn't catch so well especially when the machine has heavy stuff in it. Mrs 26 and 26 minor #1 are "putting up with it". It is wise to lay a towel or similar absorbing layer under the door for the occasions when some laundry and a small amount of water is spilled (I've had to short out the door interlock too so the machine will carry on regardless of the door being open). It is also wise to be around to turn things off, thump the catch/close door, and then carry on.

This sort of spare part high pricing is a real b*mm*r. Most folks would trash an otherwise perfectly functioning machine and buy new. It is very very anti green.

Or maybe I should rant in a new thread :blush:

Right time for some soothing :cuppa:
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