Tea? (Part 2)

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I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Right I am off out for a :cold::bicycle:

Oh dear can someone pickup potsy he seems to have fainted :giggle:

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
By the way...no snow in Cambridge but its very very :cold:

I hope you get your machine sorted, 26. And this thread is a very good place for a rant. :smile:
Say :hello: to Miss 26 minor #2 for me Rocky. She should have her head down in the library or at lectures. If she isn't and you detect some swanning about please pass on a fatherly :cursing:

Being as Cambridge does these things I hope it isn't too painful for Mrs R when she is "Doctored" :laugh:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I met Night Train for coffee and cake this morning!

He was over to get his car repaired and we had arranged to go for a walk but the wintry conditions put paid to that. We met in Hebden Bridge town centre instead.

NT treated me to the coffee and cake - thanks NT! We were looking at two cakes next to each other - a carrot cake and a special valentine cake. He decided that we didn't know each other well enough to go for the valentine cake, so we both had slices of the other one! :laugh:


I don't think he noticed that my piece was much bigger than his, so don't tell him! :thumbsup:


Vice Admiral
Colin, in that situation vis a vis cake, if there is two of us, I have been known to suggest getting one piece of each cake, cutting them in half and sharing. I am very surprised that neither you nor NT thought of this strategy.

The noteworthy exception to this, is if you are choosing pancakes in the Los Angeles branch of "House of Pancakes". My friend and I could not choose between coconut or bananananaa pancake. So we order a portion of each "flavour" and shared them. You cannnot begin to imagine our disappointment in not being able to tell the difference.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Just saw this on yahoo news.

Golfer Daniela Holmqvistgot bitten by a black widow spider while playing ISPS Handa Australian Open at Royal Canberra Golf Club in Yarralumla, Australia, with her leg swelling up Holmqvist reached desperately into her pocket and pulled out a golf tee which she used to gash open her leg and squeeze the venom out xx( then she carried on playing :eek:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Colin, in that situation vis a vis cake, if there is two of us, I have been known to suggest getting one piece of each cake, cutting them in half and sharing. I am very surprised that neither you nor NT thought of this strategy.
I didn't notice at the time, but my piece of cake certainly looks bigger in the photograph, even allowing for it being closer to the camera!
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