It was good meeting ColinJ. The coffee and cake was very nice too, as was the conversation.
The Valentine's cake did look nice but I am already spoken for.
It was snowing when I left home, about 1/2" on the car. It stayed snowing all the time I was out and the courtesy car was under a nice 1 1/2" of snow on its roof when I finally left Hebden Bridge. Obviously I cleared it all off before setting out, I just wish other drivers had the brain to do like wise.
Crazy drivers out there, at speed, tailgating, no lights, and snow all over their cars and windscreens.
There was a lot of falling snow, and snow build up as I drove home in the Yellow Pug 107 courtesy car. Took quite a while to get back safely.
Now I am full of late lunch and tea I will set off down to the workshop to find stuff to make a wedding present for friends who are getting married in a couple of weekends time.