welsh dragon
Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Rockymountain, post: 2752373, member: 14044"]Is this your personal trainer? [/quote]
Unfortunatley not. I wish
Unfortunatley not. I wish
Pringles and milk shake todayScampi fries and chocolate for breakfast, TVC?
I hope the antibiotics have kicked in and started doing their job overnight, and little fella is on his way home soonHe is 11 ,cheers
Good timing, definitely time for anotherCan I be controversial and ask for a coffee if anyone's got the kettle on?
I don't want to get out of bed
I think I'll need at least 3 cups of tea...Come on. Rise and shine.
Do you have to?I don't want to get out of bed
Wish I hadn't had to. When I first woke up I thought it was Thursday which is lie in day. Oh the disappointment when reality kicked inI don't want to get out of bed
You might not be but Lu is, there's no way you'll be allowed the stuff she is cutting outCan I just mention that I'm not on a diet.