Just back from my swim. I did 2000m and thought that I was going really well.....until Olympic swimmer Mark Foster got in the lane next to me and, even though he was loosening up, swam three lengths to my one. Hey ho, at least I swim faster than my grandmother.

now needed
Hobnobbing with the rich & famous again Rocky, does Tulisa know?
I have picked up all the bits of paper from small peoples cuttings out yesterday which seem to have drifted all through the house, hoovered, took out rubbish, cleaned out the wood burner (nasty dusty dirty horrible ick ick ick job) re-set the wood burner for when it is needed, brought in two loads of logs from the wood pile (doing an impromptu jig outside when a slug got on my hand) and stacked them round it, found my D lock keys after panicking thinking I might have left them on the train station platform as they were not in the pocket on my basket, done some washing and folding of ironing and now it is time for
Steak for dinner tonight with Apple crumble and custard! Squidge is out with the ex-MIL after school so no need to pick him up tonight!
Oh and it is much less clankier and easier to cycle home from pre-school without an empty trailer attached!