Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Quick :cuppa:, more spooky gingerbread made today, then a quick trip to the local shops to get pennys in case we need them at our Spell & Broomstick flying lessons this evening, paintbrushes as some are a little un-useable from the poke office, then User76 declared she was hungry and so proceeded to set up some kind of refugee camp outside the chip shop, so they had the childrens sausage and chips in a box with a drink & sauce and polite smiles pleases and thank yous to the man behind the counter which garnered them a lolly each....

Into the co-op for Swede & carrots for mash with the Haggis tonight and apples for the spooky apple kit they got given, I seem to have purchased rather a lot of chocolate in there and also a bottle of wine, which surprised the nice lady in there who knows me and said visitors? I said no for me, she said is 1/2 term that bad - Yes says I but more the clock change and I feel I need alcohol in the fridge even though it will probably sit there until we do have visitors.

So after I have had :cuppa: and they have :hungry: their chippies we shall be painting the terracotta plant pots they prepped the other day and then washing hands and then doing apples and then choosing costumes for this evening for underneath their cloaks, bathing, then dinner, then persuading User76 to wear her costume and convincing Squidge I cannot whip up a dragon costume in 5 minutes because he changed his mind and then going to the lessons and then coming home and putting tired, sugar hyped children to bed and then doing a few spells myself, thencollapsing!

In between the dog shall be going mental as trick or treaters knock the door!


Über Member
New Forest
You mean you've not left your garden yet?

Well, should you meet Kimberley, just make out your phoning the RSPCA & listen for her reaction!
Kimberley and her Raccoon got banned from hanging outside the local school because it bit a kid.
She is one of those folk in the village that everyone knows like blind Nick!! its like the League of Gentlemen.


Vice Admiral
I'm exhausted just reading puddles posts :wacko:

So am I!

The (nearly) three year old boy next door (not the house for sale) has turned into a vampire overnight. :eek:

Has anyone else heard the theme song for this year's "Children in Need"? It is sung to "I need a hero" (I think) and the last line goes something like "and they're gonna be sweet and they're gonna be hard, and they're gonna break lots of teeth". :giggle:


Vice Admiral
I am going out later on, and may have a snooze when I get back. This evening I will not be answering the door to people shouting "Trick or Treat".


Leg End Member
Proper cold or southern cold? :girl:

Nearly wimped out of the cycle commute today, feeling a bit rough but I got my second wind and went for it, not that I'm after sympathy @hopless500 :tongue:
Man Flu making a comeback thGrim Reaper.jpg

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Good afternoon everyone. I got a bit sideteacked this morning. I decided to defrost my freezer before going on my mammoth treck to newtown to do my shopping. Freezer defrosted check. 47 mile round trip and £150.00 lighter in my pocket and shopping done. Its a good job I only have to go every 2 or 3 weeks.

Shopping put away and I am now relaxing with a nice cup of tea. Wih my feet up. I loved the picture of the kangaroo. When my so and his partner lived I side Snowdonia national park they had wallabies. There was a zoo in borth I think it was thag was getting rid of them. Giving them away free to a good home, so they took them in. My grandsons called them the wobblies. Tea anyone. ?

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I got served by a zombie at the supermarket today. One spooky eye, ripped clothes and lots of bruises and blood. I have an urge to buy some of those weirdo eye contact lenses now :ph34r:
It was like that in tescos today. Women walking around wearing wigs, black makeup and pointy hats.

By the way, who was talking about Wales higher up the thread. ? Something about bigger than Wales. ? Wales what. ?
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