Shouldn't you have been putting it on the walls?
Well I was, but in the apex of the roof, standing on the scaff tower, my face was quite close to the roller....
Anyway, we downed tools at 3 and went to the railway for their Halloween event.
We had roles allotted to us. NT was the Headless Horseman:
I was operating the coconuts.
It was great fun, when the train came in, a chap told some stories and when he talked about the headless horseman, he said "and sometimes you can hear the sound of the hooves on the cobbles" and I started up the coconuts, and NT pranced down the side of the train startling people... We were in the company of a werewolf, and a chap who ran down the platform screaming while being attacked by the Hell Hounds - he had a fluffy toy dog zip tied to each ankle!