Tea? (Part 2)

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Leg End Member
I watched a programme once. It was about bugs and showed them hiding underneath benches at bus stops and in parks, and railings and toilets. It showed a woman who had gone to the loo and was bitten by a spider. She had to have her leg amputated, and she had that flesh eatng bug as well.

Sorry if you are eating g cake at the moment.
Whats g cake & is it any good for you?
I watched a programme once. It was about bugs and showed them hiding underneath benches at bus stops and in parks, and railings and toilets. It showed a woman who had gone to the loo and was bitten by a spider. She had to have her leg amputated, and she had that flesh eatng bug as well.

Sorry if you are eating g cake at the moment.
WD - I think you might need to not watch so much telly. It appears to be bad for you :huh:
I'd like to visit Oz properly. I guess there aren't as many sheep as there are in NZ though?
I've just realised that sounds odd, and that I have a thing for sheep. Can I add a disclaimer to the above post and say that I don't have a thing about sheep. But I do find lambs rather cute though. NZ in the spring was most splendid from a lamb point of view.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I watched a programme once. It was about bugs and showed them hiding underneath benches at bus stops and in parks, and railings and toilets. It showed a woman who had gone to the loo and was bitten by a spider. She had to have her leg amputated, and she had that flesh eatng bug as well.
You can just imagine the advertising posters for SheWees in Australia, can't you ... :whistle:

(Mind you, until the invention of YouPoos, it might only be a short-term solution to the bum-biting spider problem!)

If Australian women have any sense, they should thank males for leaving the seat up! :laugh:


I've just realised that sounds odd, and that I have a thing for sheep. Can I add a disclaimer to the above post and say that I don't have a thing about sheep. But I do find lambs rather cute though. NZ in the spring was most splendid from a lamb point of view.
I was just about to say there are plenty of sheep where I live and that I probably arrange for you to meet one in person.
You can just imagine the advertising posters for SheWees in Australia, can't you ... :whistle:

(Mind you, until the invention of YouPoos, it might only be a short-term solution to the bum-biting spider problem!)

If Australian women have any sense, they should thank males for leaving the seat up! :laugh:
I think I'd just keep the seat and the lid off altogether. Maybe just go for levitation.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I think the answer is some kind of spider-proof strip to stick round the outside edge of a toilet***! It would have to contain some chemical that either kills spiders on contact, or is so offensive to them that they turn round and go somewhere else, like into your bed, your shoes, your knickers drawer ...

I'm not really selling Australia, am I!

*** It wouldn't really help against spiders that drop down from above!


Leg End Member
@Hill Wimp Update on the weather for Sunday!!
Sun 27 Oct BST
Wind Avg. GustTemp.RainWeatherCloudVisibility Pressure
01:00SSW18 mphto36 mph14 C2.9 mm97%13600 m1003 mb
04:00SW13 mphto29 mph13 C0 mm86%14800 m1001 mb
07:00SSW14 mphto32 mph13 C0.9 mm40%15000 m998 mb
10:00SW18 mphto39 mph13 C0.3 mm40%14500 m996 mb
13:00WSW23 mphto40 mph14 C0.5 mm26%14500 m998 mb
16:00SW18 mphto39 mph14 C0.1 mm19%15000 m999 mb
19:00SW17 mphto39 mph12 C0 mm76%14600 m1001 mb
22:00SW16 mphto35 mph13 C1.4 mm87%19200 m1001 mb
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