Tea? (Part 2)

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Im seriously thinking of buying a snorkel and flippers. As you may have guessed it's raining, again. Thats it now, now its started it won't stop until at least next march. Thats what it's like here In sunny powys.


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Blowing a gale & raining here, we had a huge thunder and lightening storm last night! Both my small people are still asleep could someone tell me the time incase small imps have snuck in in the night and changed all my clocks! :laugh: Oooh I am loving these dark mornings :biggrin:

Of course, come the weekend they will be up at 5am because we don't need to get up!


Über Member
New Forest
Blowing a gale & raining here, we had a huge thunder and lightening storm last night! Both my small people are still asleep could someone tell me the time incase small imps have snuck in in the night and changed all my clocks! :laugh: Oooh I am loving these dark mornings :biggrin:

Of course, come the weekend they will be up at 5am because we don't need to get up!
We had that storm as well , highly impressive sheet lightning , youngest was stood at the window amazed not scared which is good
till I tried to explain what scientific forces were at work . She shrugged and said can I have a bik bik . sigh.:thumbsup:


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Tut tut tut.

+1 Sheesh the smacked legs fairy will be visiting you @ColinJ
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