Tea? (Part 2)

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
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"And for that reason ... I'm out!" :laugh:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I'm shattered. I think I wore myself out this afternoon walking about with feet that weighed about a kilo each more than usual thanks to wet. Since my laptop is painfully slow, I think I'll just take myself to bed with the telly and a book.


PlumberWatch Afterhours

The house is toasty warm and there is steaming hot water available. The boys were thoroughly decent chaps who kept us up to date with everything they were doing, and completed everything they promised.

That concludes PlumberWatch 2012, please tune in next year for our new series KitchenFitterWatch :hello:


My Armchair
PlumberWatch Afterhours

The house is toasty warm and there is steaming hot water available. The boys were thoroughly decent chaps who kept us up to date with everything they were doing, and completed everything they promised.

That concludes PlumberWatch 2012, please tune in next year for our new series KitchenFitterWatch :hello:


Vice Admiral
After much :addict: on Sunday and some measurementing with a teeny ruler to make sure 17mm by 7mm was the right size, I did find the right shape of curtain hook (rather like a caravan curtain hook, but a bit bigger). They were ordered and arrived this morning. So I have changed all the hooks, and put the curtains back up. Then realised that if I had put the right hand curtain on the left hand side, the faded bit of the right hand curtain would not be seened. :wacko:

Now having :cuppa: before taking down the curtings and then putting them back up.

Yesterday I was told, again, by someone that I sound like Sandi Toksvig. When TVC and Lulu are ready, they might telll us how funny she was.
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