Back from Bitterne, Mum was 4 minutes late for her optician appointment due to red traffic lights so User76 and I pretended we were not with her when the snotty woman told her that she would not be seen, I was most impressed with her restraint, she was very well behaved.
I found a white shirt in the charity shop for Squidge being a Tudor, User76 also found a delightful multi-coloured beaded evening bag she decided she just had to have along with a jigsaw puzzle and I also found a gazunder which is perfect for my basil.
I also visited the 99p shop and purchased 2 packets of highland toffee bonbons, a plastic cauldron, 3 posters with times tables, days of the week, and 1-10 on, some cupcake shaped handwarmers (it was cake shape or knicker shaped and I didn't want the small people wandering with knicker shaped handwarmers) and some candy canes. No toblerone for Mr P as he is in the dog house.
Dinner is slices of roast pork in stock warming in the slow cooker, the stock shall then be thickened for gravy, Mash, Sprouts & Carrots. Dessert either apple pie or rice pudding, most likely apple pie. Mince is out of the freezer as it will be Chilli tomorrow probably with Ceti Eel Potatoes as they are known in this house, or potato fans as they are known to the rest of the world as dessert will be apple pie or rice pudding, most likely rice pudding.
Ceti Eel
Potato Fans
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I have the central heating on cos it is bloody cold and I am on strike with regards to the wood burner.
So now it is

whilst sitting quietly hoping a tired User76 will nap before we have to get Squidge from school as he went with 2 doors up this morning so did not

and if User76 is tired I shall have to get Bertha out to take User76 to collect him else I will end up carrying a sleeping User76 she had a bad night with a nasty tickly cough.
P.s. Why can you not just have a basket on your bike for all this stuffs for rides and why can you not use a plastic bag and rubber band to keep shoes dry?