Tea? (Part 2)

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.

Finally given in, had to take the car this morning :cry:
If its as bad there as it is here I don't blame you.


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
A quick cycling related post...... I was just informed via twitter that the Women's Tour of Britain 2014 has been awarded UCI 2.1 status..... OK as you were.

What does that mean then UCI 2.1 and woudl that be somethign that Dani King would compete in? If yes, when is it? Just so I know when the whole village here will go mental. Thank you

Morning all. Thinking about the ride into Cambs today. 44mph winds over here. Plus a few blobs of rain. I'm gonna test the weather with a dog walk, if I can get Dave out of the door.

I can't get Mr Major Arcana out the door he asked for out, then looked at the rain then looked at me then whined lots, he is currently still looking out the back door deciding if he really needs to "go" or not, wish he would hurry up it is cold with that door open.

Blimey I've got a thick head. I didn't get much sleep - mrs R came in late and the noise of driving rain against the windows conspired to keep me awake grrrrrrr

I can sympathise the gate was not closed properly and started banging around 1 am it woke me up and I had to go and re-bolt the bottom bolt it then took me ages to get warm again and go back to sleep, Mr P got called in last minute to work and so was home around 4 am and woke me up again, then User76 woke at 5.30 am to tell me she was all wet, so we did clean pyjamas & stripped & re-made her bed and when I went back upstairs after putting wet stuff in washing she was asleep snuggled against Mr P in our bed so I gave up with sleeping at that point.

Squidge has just risen from his pit and is not happy there is no school today and then within 30 seconds of receiving that news he says the usual "what a we doing today Mummy" he did not like the idea of sitting in the corner being quiet and good.

It is a wild, wet & windy day here so we might take a big flask of soup wrap up warm and go watch the waves crash on the shore and peer at the preparations for the pumpkin festival tomorrow.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
What does that mean then UCI 2.1


woudl that be somethign that Dani King would compete in? If yes, when is it? Just so I know when the whole village here will go mental. Thank you

Well it remains to be seen who will actually ride in it, I was hoping to see Hannah Barnes do it but from what she has been tweeting it doesn't look like she will.

I am all for women's cycling and I go and watch as many races as I can get to, my only concern is that after all the fighting to get some good races i.e. TOB & TDF that not enough women cyclists will want to do it so I hope that doesn't happen.


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
That was for @Rockymountain. Who missed "his 07:00 from Victoria", this morning. Can't work out why!!

Are you holding him hostage "Misery" style until he eats ALL his breakfast?
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