Tea? (Part 2)

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West Somerset


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
CV = resume (Curriculum Vitae)
HMV = Is the name of a shop that sells media stuff, music, DVD's, Games etc

Well done on the mileage

Morning :cuppa: please

HMV stands for His Master's Voice, one of the earliest record labels. Their logo was a little dog (Nipper), sitting listening to an old gramophone, which was presumably playing a recording of his owner's voice.

Either that, or there's a biscuit hidden in that horn.



Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
We are not fed, we are not watered, coffee machine is making noises, User76 has only just woken up and is demanding funny cat (Tom & Jerry) and milk and I am not sure what we shall get up to today, the boys are both back tonight :smile:

is all done,

is done I do need to do a run round with
as Major is changing his coat and foofing great lumps of hair everywhere!

I am even organised for lots of school stuff next week, harvest celebration baskets done for both of them, empty boxes & yoghurt pots for Pre-school sorted, Pennies for Harvest lunch & Tae Kwon doh in envelopes, Not our uniform wash & ironed, note saying what we are missing done, Pre-school spare clothes washed and ironed to return after User76 soaked herself last week at the water table. Snack bags all filled for Squidge.

We were going to sit on the Quay all bundled up and do some crabbing but User76 is full of cough and snot today and so maybe not such a good idea with her all coughy & sneezy.

EDIT: And the banging that woke User76 up at 8.30 was the bloody scaffolders taking down the scaffold next door! At 8.30 on a Sunday morning!


:hello: all

No ride for me today. We are going for a walk round Hampstead Heath (again) :smile:

Have a great ride everyone :thumbsup:
Tries to resist joke about going for a tramp on Hampstead Heath.

:hello: Morning all.
In the news today.....
No cat vomit overnight.
Lu is preparing crumpets with Arch's jam
Computer virus sweep is under way
I fancy a good quality Scotch Egg

And now over to Classic33 for the weather


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
NT is up and about making breakfast, while I laze in bed. I'll get up soon. Today, I'll topcoat the skirting and architrave. We cleared the pile of random scrap timber out of the bedroom yesterday, to give better working room for wall prep and painting. NT has some plumbing to finish in the bathroom.

I'll also pick over the bagful of windfall crabapples we picked up yesterday, and reject any that are too manky, then I can take them home to make another batch of jelly. The ones from the Minster gardens had pink flesh and made a beautiful pink jelly, these are white fleshed, so I'm going to do a comparison batch. Get me, I'm making Single Varietal jelly!


I am waiting in bed for coffee and a veggie sausage sandwhich to arrive (which I ordered by text message about 20 minutes ago).
Weather is absolutely fab :sun:so plans for cycle show have been scrapped and we are going for a little tootle on the bikes.
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