Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
I've just opened my last bottle of 'summer' Magners, only taken me 3 months to drink 12 bottles ^_^ :cheers:

That is where I was headed I have had my whole one bottle of pear cider purchased a month a go sat in the fridge that I keep meaning to have and then don't I thought I might tonight with biscuits but Mum arrived made tea, called me little one and did strokings.

We did buy a 12 bottle thing once and it lasted until we had visitors that were better at the drinking thing than us!


Re member eR
East: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/3441290

North: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/3441303

West: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/3441331

I'm thinking something like the East one at the moment. I'll check and see which way the wind is blowing tomorrow am.

Edit: The wind is from the East. :thumbsup: So it's the flatlands for me tomorrow with a wind assist on the return.

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Re member eR
There's lots of up here abouts, but only if you choose it.
I don't mind hills tbh. I mean I curse them when I'm struggling, but it makes for an interesting ride.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Is it for smearing jam over NT's bare, quivering buttocks whilst he is tied to a miniature electric tractor and driven up and down the hallway?



It's a scraper for scraping the labels off jars so that I can reuse them. I soak them for a while when I get them out of the recycling, but most of the labels still need to be scraped off. I've been using my thumbnail, but I was starting to get RSI doing that. The curved edge is shaped to a 'blade', and it works really well. There's still a bit of glue residue, but that comes off with a scourer.



Long story short

Mr P left Army we moved back to his home town in Scotland, I had met the M-I-L twice but she seemed nice enough as did the rest of his family, we lasted 5 months and then moved nearly 500 miles away.

In the M-I-L eyes I am not Mrs P, we are living in sin, as he never asked the pope if it was okay or something when he divorced first wife, I was pregnant with User76 at the time she was so evil to me I almost miscarried due to stress of her and according to her User76 would be a demon child ( I kid you not she said those words) and no grandchild of hers as not only are we not married in her eyes, but I was not catholic either. She also pointed to Squidge and loudly said to Mr P "You do realise that is not your child". She was fine until Mr P paid off all her debts with some of Army payout and then when she asked for more money she was told we do not have it - then she turned into cowbag

Mr P's sister is exactly like her mother, Mr P's other brother does what Mummy tells him as he lives with M-I-L is 34 never had a job etc etc

Mr P speaks only to his nice brother who also escaped into the military at an early age (RAF) and it is the nice brother getting married, we like the nice brother, I have lots in common with nice brother we do talk lots he does visit and stuffs, we don't want to upset nice brother we want to see him get married.

BUT that means enduring the rest of them, especially M-I-L .

We have just found out it is to be small intimate wedding :eek: so no chance of hiding

Nice brothers GF thinks MIL is lully, cos nice brother sends MIL lots of pennies every month so MIL does stroke his GF lots and be really nice to her.

Mr P does not speak about nor involved nice brother in what happened, although nice brother is aware something did and that we have nothing to do with her.

Mr P needs to have conversation with nice brother, sorry nice brother User76 will not be bridesmaid not unless MIL is not coming.

EDIT: But he won't say that because that would be causing problems and awkwardness he will say sorry User76 will not be bridesmaid as we were planning to have a child free rare weekend away with just us two and no having to leave early cos of children

Oh dear. Now I understand. My first mother in law was difficult. You have my deepest sympathy.
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