Tea? (Part 2)

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Evening ride done 28 miles and 1013 ft of climbing and that is the flat route :giggle:
:becool: there is always one that has to do a bigger poo


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Puddles, I hope you can make the best of the wedding! Just tell yourself you're the better ones for not being nasty and spreading bad vibes. Because you are.

Weddings can be horrendous. When I was single, I hated them, because everyone else is a couple. You're expected to dress up, which I generally hate. You're often flung together with people you don't know, or do know and wish you didn't.

We've been adamant from the start that our wedding with be as relaxed as possible, but even so, I'm finding things to fret about.

Someone on another forum was asking for suggestions for a venue for his sister's wedding - for 900 guests!:eek:

Right, I'm off to have a nice long bath, and a beer.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
I may be able to do something similar or more tomorrow if i get my strength back. I have carb loaded to capacity in anticipation

Well I am waiting to see what the weather is like but at the moment I am up to about 498 miles for the month and I want to get it over 600 like the last 2 months so I may do a 100 tomorrow I will have to see.

So far this month I have done a 93, 100 and 101 on one day each weekend except for last week end so it would be nice to do it again but it depends if I can be bothered.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Oh, NT made me a thing:

While I have my bath, you can all guess what it is for. There's a sort of clue in the picture.


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Oh, NT made me a thing:
View attachment 30058

While I have my bath, you can all guess what it is for. There's a sort of clue in the picture.

A hot jam jar mover


Re member eR
Rabbit stew. When first married Mrs Colly bought a rabbit at the butchers and cooked it for Sunday dinner. It smelled great while it cooking, wonderful. She had however stuck the whole bunny in the pan with the veg and when she got it out it looked for all the world like a broiled baby. :eek: Quite put me off.:sad:
We did cut it up and eat it but oddly stewed rabbit has not been on the menu since.
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