Tea? (Part 2)

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Leg End Member
Oh, go on then! :thumbsup:

Actually, I'm just going to get off CC and go through the usual ritual ... One game each of Spider Solitaire and Backgammon, solve a few crossword clues, read a chapter or two of something or other on my Tab's Kindle app, then that's another 24 hours despatched into the graveyard of history!
So thats all you'll be doing!!

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Looks like i'm first up then, best put the kettle on.

:cuppa: ?

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
At some stage you should consider LEJOG. It's a great ride and you'll really enjoy it.

Sounds good if the weather is. I'm more a" the further south the warmer" kinda girl.

My one amendment to that is Scotland because that's just too lovely not to do and I'm definatly going to do that ride with the 3 ferries that gets mentioned, that sounds so groovy ( sorry).


Leg End Member

Sounds good if the weather is. I'm more a" the further south the warmer" kinda girl.

My one amendment to that is Scotland because that's just too lovely not to do and I'm definatly going to do that ride with the 3 ferries that gets mentioned, that sounds so groovy ( sorry).
Needle & paper time. Pick one & just do it.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
It should look like this:


Went to the preview thing today - report just up (contains show spoilers): http://www.velovision.com/showStory.php?storynum=1275

Cheers, I'll let you know if the Town Hall has radically changed in appearance by Sunday!

Waking up now, with :cuppa:, before we go on a foraging walk at St Nicks.

In other news, I've got a cold coming on. I'm wondering if the piddly amount of rosehip jelly I made yesterday is medicinal enough on toast...


:hello: Morning, nice to have a lie in. You lucky people, you're going to have a break from me this weekend. We are meeting up with two of my brothers for a spot of walking in Rutland. Tonight will be in my big bruvs caravan, which will be cosy.

Anyway, now time for toast and some very special jam.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
:hello: Morning, nice to have a lie in. You lucky people, you're going to have a break from me this weekend. We are meeting up with two of my brothers for a spot of walking in Rutland. Tonight will be in my big bruvs caravan, which will be cosy.

Anyway, now time for toast and some very special jam.

Now, where would you get very special jam from? :unsure:

Enjoy Rutland, Going to the Water? I've not been there for ages.
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