Tea? (Part 2)

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West Somerset
Slight change of subject... I'm putting the winter duvet back on the bed and have realised that I got one of the covers nearly two decades ago. No wonder it's a bit threadbare. Maybe time for a new one?


West Somerset
Heavens if it's cold down in the west country we had all better look out.
It was a bit fresh in the early hours with all the windows open and the wind's showing no signs of abating.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
I think Vernon has done this.......and he was raving about it. One for the future, I think.
You can go to Passau Vienna and somewhere else I can't remember. It is supposed to be very nice.
Perhaps a tea thread tour as Vienna has the best cake shops ever. I had to work out there 3 years ago, such a hardship I can tell you.:mrpig:

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
No, we didnt see the horses.....I'm not really very fond of horses (which is not very good because I come from a very 'horsey' family). We spent a lot of time swimming in Prater Park's open air pool and walking round the Albertina gallery and sampling various cafes. Mrs R was interested in Haus Wittgenstein - designed by the philosopher for his sister and now the Bulgarian embassy. She's a devotee of his work :addict:
It is a very beautiful city,Saltzburg is even lovelier.
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