Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?


Midlands UK
We have had an agency temp working with us for the past couple of weeks, she picked the job up quickly and works hard, trouble is she has yet to put in a full week. She rang in this morning and our production manager told her not to bother coming back, he then rang the agency for a replacement. He is a 6 ft Latvian with hands like shovels. He is doing his best but he won't last, not being sexist but it is a job more suited to females.


Midlands UK
I'm really pleased that I am no longer in a job where I have to employ people. This little scenario sums up the difficulties well.....I just hope that your boss appreciates people like you and TVC.....reliable, hardworking, honest, and intelligent. :thumbsup:

A real shame

After so much laughing last night my throat was a bit sore and couldn't talk much for a while ( some might say that is a good thing) I was asked to teach the young lad and it wasn't easy trying to talk with a sore throat.


Midlands UK
I'm really pleased that I am no longer in a job where I have to employ people. This little scenario sums up well the difficulties.....I just hope that your boss appreciates people like you and TVC.....reliable, hardworking, honest, and intelligent. :thumbsup:

There are British workers who are good but they are a bit older and understand what it is all about, it just seems to be the younger ones.


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Is there any left after Potty cat and TVC had their helpings? :hungry:......it's one of my favourites

Loads! I am a happy bunny now as it is one of my favourites too, along with steamed fruit suet pudding *sigh* and I have recently found out you can do them in the slow cooker, you just chuck the basin in and fill it with hot water to about 1/2 way up the basin and leave it on all day, which is marvellous cos you don't have to faff with checking the water levels in the steamer if you want to be out and not tethered to the hob nor find one big enough to fit your steamed pudding basin "with a lid and handles what you got cheap at Aldi" in!

Pressure cookers hate me, I have given up with pressure cookers so they are out as an alternative!

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
I'm back now before I get kicked out and can I just say Phil has done a sterling job talking me through disassembling my laptop screen from the rest of it ad daft dolly here dropped it and knackered the screen.
Little does he know when I get my new screen he got to talk me through assembling it.
So if Phil disappears or takes a holiday you know it's to avoid this daft southerners.

Can I add I hate this tap keyboard on my Kindle and I apologise now for any blizzard words that may appear.

I'm getting my coat now ok.
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