Tea? (Part 2)

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
It's a rainforest out here its so humid and damp.


:hello: Morning

Can't seem to drag myself out of bed! Need to get a wiggle on, OH has banned me from riding to work this week due being a bit poorly, so have had to make some elaborate arrangements just to get to work!
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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
:hello: Morning

Can't seem to drag myself out of bed! Need to get a wiggle on, OH has banned me from riding to work this week due being a bit poorly, so have had to make some elaborate arrangements just to get to work!

:hello: All

Hope you feel better soon @Sara_H !

Its cold out there this morning and raining and yuck! Mrs 2 doors up offered to take eldest to school this morning I might take her up on it as the days of only having to drop one off at school are dwindling quickly and I have important things to do like stare at yoghurt in wonder!


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Not for long I bet! :thumbsup:

Looks ok till about 3 this afternoon then a bit of rain then fine again for tomorrow.
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