Tea? (Part 2)

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De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
:hello: Good afternoon.


West Somerset

Finally managed to get myself up and dressed ... sadly not until a friend popped round unexpectedly and caught me in my PJs. At noon. :blush:

Dog now walked, bird feeders refilled and the kilo of bird seed that I spilled over the carpet has been (mostly) cleared up.

Can I get anyone :cuppa:? And possibly some chocolate? (she says with a winning smile, ignoring all good intentions to stay on the healthy eating bandwagon.)


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I somehow managed to not discover that Hebden Bridge has a computer recycling charity. A friend has just told me about it so I am going to stroll down there to get me out of the house for a while, donate a couple of old PC keyboards to them, and see if they have a PS/2 to USB converter so I can use a 3rd keyboard with my laptop. Either that, or get a USB keyboard from them.

I suppose I might as well buy chocolate while I am out ... :whistle:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
I got a new jumper



I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!

Finally managed to get myself up and dressed ... sadly not until a friend popped round unexpectedly and caught me in my PJs. At noon. :blush:




Puzzle game procrastinator!
Well, I am back with a £3 USB keyboard! TBH, I will probably eventually donate it back to the charity because it isn't up to the standard of my old PS/2 keyboard. They have some PS/2->USB converters at the back of a drawer somewhere but couldn't find them while I was there. I will give them a ring next week and see whether they have tracked them down.
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