Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
I've seen people riding ostriches on telly, I don't know if emus are rideable....
Ostrich are big buggers, we used to have a farm near here, it was marvellous, you could get nice feather dusters and meat and best of all when we went camping with friends we always took an ostrich egg! I egg enough scrambled egg for us all

I had to google apparently yes you can ride an Emu!


Leg End Member
I've seen people riding ostriches on telly, I don't know if emus are rideable....
Rod Hull managed ok!


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Night all, shattered fingers crossed Maggot, who did agree to come home eventually after dinner and a looong bath at Nana's, stays asleep tonight!


Leg End Member
The "Early Nighters" have gone I see!!
Who does that leave still here? Doesn't matter if you you don't think you're all here.


Leg End Member
Not necessarily brilliant - I was so knackered when I got up this morning that I fell asleep again within 30 minutes of finishing my breakfast ...
I was referring to the bit about being awake for another 3 or 4 hours. If I'm lucky I'll have about 2 -3 hours sleep. Wander round like a zombie tomorrow.
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