Tea? (Part 2)

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Leg End Member
I'm on something, prescribed medication, thats supposed to knock an elephant out. But it doesn't work that well on me.Hence the odd sleeping hours. Its gotta catch up sometime though.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I'm on something, prescribed medication, thats supposed to knock an elephant out. But it doesn't work that well on me.Hence the odd sleeping hours. Its gotta catch up sometime though.
I feel sorry for you ... I suffered with insomnia for a year or two and can hardly remember that time - I was half asleep when I was awake, and half awake when I was (supposed to be) asleep! :wacko:


Leg End Member
Its gotta catch up with me, sometime, hopefully.
I'm able to fall asleep standing up on the train to/from leeds & not miss my stop. Mastered that one years ago. Then thought bugger it, go by bike. I did & it was quicker by about half an hour.


West Somerset


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Morning (I am not here I am a figment of your imagination) I should be in the kitchen splitting up the 5kg of chicken breast that is in the fridge into smaller bits & shoving it in the freezer, I should also be doing the same with the 2kg of bacon mis shapes too. I also do not have my "big shopping list" ready. It currently says "2.5kg of frozen mango chunks" on it and nothing else so far this is not good I shall be in trouble with Mum for being late to hers for big shopping, despite the fact that if I was there on time we would not leave for at least another hour due to her dithering and faffing!

Instead of doing what I should be doing I am enjoying the peace (Small people Mr P & Major dog are on the school run/dog walk) and having :cuppa:

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Morning (I am not here I am a figment of your imagination) I should be in the kitchen splitting up the 5kg of chicken breast that is in the fridge into smaller bits & shoving it in the freezer, I should also be doing the same with the 2kg of bacon mis shapes too. I also do not have my "big shopping list" ready. It currently says "2.5kg of frozen mango chunks" on it and nothing else so far this is not good I shall be in trouble with Mum for being late to hers for big shopping, despite the fact that if I was there on time we would not leave for at least another hour due to her dithering and faffing!

Instead of doing what I should be doing I am enjoying the peace (Small people Mr P & Major dog are on the school run/dog walk) and having :cuppa:

I think you can certainly be forgiven. Enjoy it.
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