Tea? (Part 2)

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I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
If the temp drops below 20 degrees then i may consider putting another layer on.:giggle:

A base layer can keep you cool they are not just for keeping you warm it depends on what type you are using.

I only use my Merino Wool base layers when it is cooler and my long sleeve base layer in winter, but this summer base layer certainly stopped me from turning into a sweaty mess on my ride last night.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
i loved his Grand Tour, but some of the Grand Designs just leave me cold... all that waste and extravagance makes my blood boil... I can't waste money on building- I just can't come to terms with it. I design houses to the government's preferred Housing Standards and they are bigger than the national housebuilders equivalent 2 and 3 bed houses. It's galling when you could fit ten or more affordable houses inside the footprint of one Grand Design house...
[Edit: This is completely out of sync with the other Kevin posts so bear with me!! ...rant over...]


Leg End Member
During the "hot" spell in June, I was walking round wearing a t-shirt, shirt, sweatshirt & body warmer. "Cold" spell at the beginning of the year I was walking around wearing a t-shirt, shirt, sweatshirt & body warmer. No problems either time.
On two or four wheels though its a t-shirt & sweatshirt in those conditions*.

*Exception being on June 21st, no clothes being worn.


West Somerset
Last night, Snipe met the hodgeheg who has been visiting my garden every night throughout the summer. Actually, this isn't the first time she's met a hodgepig but it was her first encounter with a beastie in a bowl ...

"Mum, what's it doing?"
Snipe and hedgehog 4sept13 (480x640).jpg

"Excuse me, what are you doing?"
Snipe and hedgehog 4sept13 (2) (640x480).jpg

When it doubt, run and get one of your toys.
Snipe and hedgehog 4sept13 (3) (640x480).jpg


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
I want to be one of @Puddles children in the next life, they eat really scrummy food and have a great time.:biggrin:

Not according to my eldest, who has the current cry of "It's Boring" or "It's not fair" I shall be in trouble when I collect him from school when he has realised that the other parents did not make their offspring write "lots" every day in their summer journal, in fact, I was quite surprised I got away with it this morning when some small people were just clutching one piece of paper as their summer journal 1/2 of which was drawing! :eek: I am a mean mean mean Mummy!
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