Tea? (Part 2)

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Legendary Member
Here at the epicentre of intellectual joy that is Cambridge......I can tell you that outside it is......'Kin Hot' ^_^ :sun:. That concludes the weather report.


West Somerset
UK Outlook for Friday 20 Sep 2013 to Friday 4 Oct 2013:

During the second half of September there are no clear signals emerging for any particular weather pattern to dominate across the UK. As a consequence, the chances of above and below average rainfall are equally probable. However, northern and western areas are probably most prone to the unsettled conditions, whilst the south and east may see the best of any drier and brighter weather. In terms of temperature, the balance of probabilities favours slightly above average conditions.


West Somerset
One last :cuppa: here before I head over to a friend's to water the plants in her greenhouse while she's away. :rain: due tomorrow so the garden probably won't need doing ... though that depends on whether or not her son remembered to do it earlier in the week :rolleyes:
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