Tea? (Part 2)

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Legendary Member
Here try this coffee.. Kenco it's rather good. :thumbsup:


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
@Puddles, I've just made a one egg banana loaf, but replaced the banana with apple. Will let you know how it tastes shortly!

Oooh yes please do! I was a collapsed Mummy last night and went to bed at 8 I was v.tired now I have to be a demented person sorting out the pile of stuff from yesterday before the bikey fixey man arrives in 2 hours!

I'm thinking about getting Snipe a new bed.

Does he use a bed? we tried all sorts of beds with Mr Arcana and he prefers the couch or under our bed

Oh and Morning all :cuppa::hello:


Morning all, just for information, especially you @Puddles , last nights apple cake was a yummylicious success :hungry:


West Somerset
Morning all. Foggy here. Hoping it clears up soon.


Does he use a bed? we tried all sorts of beds with Mr Arcana and he prefers the couch or under our bed
Ever since she was a pup, she's been taught to go to her bed to sleep instead of sprawling wherever she drops (I grew up in a house with more dogs than people so this was essential back then). This does not, however, apply to travelling on trains / buses, when she gravitates towards the centre aisle and I have to spend my time heaving her out of everybody's way. Take a deep breath, blink, and she's back in the aisle. Repeat for the duration of the journey.
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