Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
What's planned today? Your kids have loads of fun it makes me want to join in, plus you are always baking :mrpig:

We went up the river to the pontoon at Manor Farm Country Park on Papa's (Grandad) boat, we did pick-er-nick and crab we got there early as we were dictated to by the tide times. User76 caught eleventy million hundred crabs on her first go, which caused a bit of sibling rivalry as Squidge only caught 2 & with him being 7 and all etc he is the expert and ergo threw what is commonly known as a strop for a while. We should have taken their nets too as there were lots of lazy swimming big big fish we could have caught. We then pottered slowly back down the river, moored and on the way home had lovely home made ice-creams from Bonne Bouche in the high street.

It was restful travelling for me as I had the old bike with no trailer hitch and Dad (Papa) took User76 and all the nets, picnic, towels, flasks etc etc etc with him on the electric bike.

Papa has now gone home for a nap, Small People are playing in the garden in the sand pit and I am having a nice cup of tea that was remaining in the flask in peace for ten minutes!

Tonight is hair dresser night so soon it will be deafening screams from User76 as her hair is washed, conditioned, combed through and tied back in anticipation, she loves having her hair cut hates the prep her curls need for cutting - so it is Fish & Chip night :hungry: (However if User76 falls asleep Squidge wants to bake some biscuits)

This is what our crabbing spot looked like when we arrived this morning within an hour the whole pontoon was covered in crab buckets and children!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Don't mention blood tests to me! :stop:

I went for my regular INR test (a measure of blood clotting time) this morning, but needed a second tube drawing for a PSA test (check for signs of prostate cancer). It all went pear-shaped ...

I typed out the gruesome details, but decided not to post them! Suffice to say that a combination of skipping breakfast, feeling poorly, rushing for my appointment, a stifling room at the clinic, a painful needle insertion followed by some uncomfortable venous fumbling, conspired to rob me of consciousness and cause a significant delay to the clinic's schedule, as a doctor and 2 nurses battled to hold me down and bring me back into the land of the living! :blush:

My planned post-test shopping trip was abandoned and instead I came straight home and back to bed. 2 hours later, I still feel like my brain has been mushed, and I have the strength of a sickly kitten!

So ... that was, er, fun! :laugh:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I've had a mini scare this morning, for last 4 days I've had a pain in the back of my leg. So I went up to UCH to get it sorted, they were a bit concerned that I might have a blood clot, so after a scan
they couldn't find any evidence of a clot, only me feeling like one being pushed around in a wheelchair. So it's down to pain killers and some TLC.:thumbsup:
I hope it was just a scare, but sometimes scans do not pick up clots. I have been reading everything I can on the subject for a year now, and I have come across lots of reports of people in similar situations who actually did have clots after all!

Did you have a d-dimer blood test done? That tests for signs of clotting and a negative result is very reassuring. If you get a strong positive result, then that is worrying but not conclusive, so they usually do the scans to confirm what they suspect.

If clots are not to blame, do you have any other idea why your leg would be hurting?
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Legendary Member
@ColinJ Wow you've had a scary day, hope alls well now!

Yes it was a big relief when they said no evidence of a clot. I didn't have a d-dimer test, I"ll remember that if I ever have to go back though. I've been getting cramp a lot during the night and suspect that and my dodgy knee has something to do with it. Many thanks Colin and you take care.:thumbsup:


Leg End Member
The:sun: has disappeared and it's clouded over as my train breaks through the London boundaries.
Didn't think rain was predicted.

Where's @classic33 when you need him.
You'd have had about 2 hours light rain this morning. It was due tomorrow, not today


West Somerset
You'd need a box to stand on unless you wanted to hug his knees :-)

Take care colin :hugs:

My good deeds of the day are continuing. :angel: This afternoon, I rescued a teenage girl from the man-eating cattle on the footpath. Well, on the other side of the electric fence. I don't think she had much faith in electricity as a deterrent against their desire to do whatever it was she thought they'd do if they got out. I was going to point out that the worst they'd do would be to drool all over her clothes but given that she was wearing an outfit more suited to [insert trendy place here] than tramping through the fields of rural Somerset, I thought this knowledge might bring on a full-blown panic attack so wisely kept my mouth shut.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
For once in my life, I have been sensible! A pal arrived round by bike and asked if I fancied a gentle ride over a couple of local hills. The sun was shining, and I did fancy it, but given this morning's events, it didn't seem like a good idea. We sat in the sun and chatted instead.

I'm still feeling groggy even now, so I think that cycling in traffic, and trying to handle fast descents would have been unwise. The forecast is good for tomorrow, so I'll go out for a couple of hours then.
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