Tea? (Part 2)

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Just back from a 36 mile ride (different route to normal :smile:)

Now v :hungry: but I'm having a fasting blood test at 12.15 so can't eat :cry:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
I lost a bit of weight on the sportive the other day, mainly from my arm and leg as they scraped down the road :giggle:


Legendary Member
:sun: has disappeared in North London

I'm back from my blood test - I think they took about five litres from my left arm :giggle: - I'm just about to get on the scales to see how much weight I have lost.

Nothing serious I hope Rocky.
I've had a mini scare this morning, for last 4 days I've had a pain in the back of my leg. So I went up to UCH to get it sorted, they were a bit concerned that I might have a blood clot, so after a scan
they couldn't find any evidence of a clot, only me feeling like one being pushed around in a wheelchair. So it's down to pain killers and some TLC.:thumbsup:
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