Tea? (Part 2)

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Leg End Member
(By the way, Hillary Whimpington, you'll be safe because it never snows in Archie's neck of the woods......a freak of geography (his village not Archie :laugh:)
Until the 12th December that is.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Anyone know what time we go off air here?

I'm just going to have a shower, if you've all gone when I get back, I'll come looking in one of the other forums...
Shaun said that he was also going to mess with upgrade the server, and all the forums will probably go down at the same time when he does that. Hopefully he will be considerate and do that after we have gone to bed ... :laugh:


Leg End Member
The others appear to have been done, with only this one to go. Log out button disappears as well
N EW.jpg


Shaun reckons we go off at 11 and it wil take an hour. See you all next Tuesday thrn :hello:


South Somerset

Feeling a bit shaken up this evening. Stopped at the village co-op on the way home and when I came out, a youngish bloke in a car started saying hello in a very blokish way but eventually twigged I had no idea who he was so started on about me being "Debbie's mate" and didn't I recognise him? I said no, carried on packing my panniers, then he started asking if I'd seen Ed in the shop and was he in a queue ... and then asked if I knew someone else before asking where I live. I'd finished packing up by that point so turned the bike round to go in the opposite direction to home when I heard someone calling me. Luckily it was a guy I know so I greeted him with "hi, how are you, please don't leave til this guy's gone". It took ten minutes but eventually - with a car full of lads by this point - they left. I gave them a bit longer then made my way home, carefully inspecting each car I saw before turning up my lane and then drive.


Take it easy and go careful;.


Night Train

Maker of Things

Feeling a bit shaken up this evening. Stopped at the village co-op on the way home and when I came out, a youngish bloke in a car started saying hello in a very blokish way but eventually twigged I had no idea who he was so started on about me being "Debbie's mate" and didn't I recognise him? I said no, carried on packing my panniers, then he started asking if I'd seen Ed in the shop and was he in a queue ... and then asked if I knew someone else before asking where I live. I'd finished packing up by that point so turned the bike round to go in the opposite direction to home when I heard someone calling me. Luckily it was a guy I know so I greeted him with "hi, how are you, please don't leave til this guy's gone". It took ten minutes but eventually - with a car full of lads by this point - they left. I gave them a bit longer then made my way home, carefully inspecting each car I saw before turning up my lane and then drive.

Hope you are ok :hugs:

Did you get their reg number? It'll be worth keeping a record and a description of the blokes in case you have a another 'meeting' with them.
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