Tea? (Part 2)

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West Somerset
:hugs: and here's a nice :cuppa:

I don't have cake or biskits but I do have a Snickers bar, would you like it?


Morning, feeling rather delicate :sad:xx(. I may gave massively overdone the booze last night, not something I've had the urge to do for a very long time.

Think I will just curl up in this corner for a while. No sympathy please, it is all self inflicted.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Morning, feeling rather delicate :sad:xx(. I may gave massively overdone the booze last night, not something I've had the urge to do for a very long time.

Think I will just curl up in this corner for a while. No sympathy please, it is all self inflicted.
Ha - I have had a 'hangover' nearly every day since August 2012, which would be okay, apart from the fact that I have not had any alcohol for 56 weeks now - damn illness/drugs! :cursing:

I am doing my best to find out what is causing the problem. I wake up feeling fine some mornings, and then a few hours later, the brain fog descends, along with chronic fatigue. If somebody offered me £100 when I am like that, to run to the end of my (60 yard long) street while reciting my name, address and telephone number, I think their money would be safe ...
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Puzzle game procrastinator!
I just 'liked' the original post. I don't mean that I like the idea of hangovers, but I do like the idea of sufferers lying down quietly and getting over them.
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