Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
On a different note as I only have the smallest & she napped late, after dinner (Early for hubby on night shift) we pootled across the road to the parents to raid our big freezer which is over there, smallest promptly invited herself to 2nd Dinner there, set herself a place at the table and said Bye Bye Mummy having dinner at Nana's so I was superfluous to requirements and am having a quiet :cuppa: before she is returned to me


Is it safe to come back...?

Has Nurse Curtain gone? :laugh:
There you are naughty boy, this won't hurt at all Rocky


Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
I still do not know what the DV thread is, so that I know to ignore it.



Leg End Member
Be careful out there and don't talk to strangers oh and don't forget to tell @classic33 when you come back , he does worry.

Saying that i haven't seen him about much in my catch up session so far:eek:
You've not been looking in the right places then.
He claims to be Yorkshire B&B, so he should be okay. However why he's saying its getting dark outside I don't know. Its not that bad.


West Somerset
You're all lovely. Utterly bonkers but really rather lovely nonetheless. :thumbsup:

Wasn't the thread so much as the stats. Grim, horrible reading.

:cuppa:? And did someone mention :mrpig:?
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