Tea? (Part 2)

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Well done TVC, good work :thumbsup:

How was Nessie?


Midlands UK
Our silly council want to install traffic calming measures along a few roads near us. Waste of time and money as no one one will enforce these measures. We already have a 'no right turn' which is ignored. They want to drop the speed limit from 30 to 20 even on a close that is so short you can't even get up to 5 miles an hour!


Vice Admiral
The roads approaching the main street in this town have a 20mph speed limit. This lower speed limit starts further out of town than most people would expect. I do, of-course, adhere to the speed limit. This does not stop people overtaking me though. :wacko:


Midlands UK
I understand that there are some idiots on the road who think they can do as they so please and so some measures are needed but what is the point if nobody enforces the rule. One quiet road used to end at a main road and traffic could go left or right but many accidents occcured so the quiet road was altered so that you can only go left, drivers still struggle to turn at the awkward angle so that they can turn right at times narrowly avoiding accidents, we need a camera, fine anyone who does it. Not popular with all but something needs to be done.
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