Tea? (Part 2)

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
I see that Phil's fiercly defending the theory that it's not the size but the specs that count :whistle:

I got that impression too :giggle:


Legendary Member
Someone lent me a 7" Nexus for my cycling trip. The only thing I can really say is that I found it too small re the on screen keyboard thingy. I would hope the 10" would have more space for your fingers. I'll stop there I think. This was meant to be a serious post. Sorry.


I reckon I'd mainly use it whilst slobbing on the sofa / floor / in bed so the weight/size wouldn't really be an issue but the size would be a massive advantage for web browsing and games ... Not that I'm going to buy one, you understand ...


Is your phone ready for an upgrade? I got my samsung 7" free when I upgraded my mobily.


West Somerset
For Phil, coz the laptop's CD drive is fixed after I followed his instructions (even if it did take me a week to get round to it :blush: )

Is your phone ready for an upgrade? I got my samsung 7" free when I upgraded my mobily.

I'm on a sim-only contract so no. But I spend so much time browsing on it when I CBA to start up the laptop, and playing games that investing in a bigger screen seems like a sensible idea. Ok, so not very sensible money-wise but you know what I mean :thumbsup:

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
For Phil, coz the laptop's CD drive is fixed after I followed his instructions (even if it did take me a week to get round to it :blush: )

I'm on a sim-only contract so no. But I spend so much time browsing on it I CBA to start up the laptop, and playing games that investing in a bigger screen seems like a sensible idea. Ok, so not very sensible money-wise but you know what I mean :thumbsup:

He's out looking at Aliens at Asda :laugh:
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