Tea? (Part 2)

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Legendary Member
I can report...Green Tea....makes you xx(

Night Train

Maker of Things
Morning! :hello:
I am doing a quick run to Axminster this morning, the tool shop not the town, to get some nut inserts, and maybe some stainless steel countersunk machine screws, if they have some.
Goes to :addict:

Hmmm, they don't, neither to Toolstation anymore, nor Screwfix. :sad:
May have to try to Ebay.

Ho hum, :cuppa: then.


Vice Admiral
I saw some shooting stars last night. ^_^ Four I think in about fifteen minutes. If you blink you would miss them. It was very cool out there at midnight.


West Somerset
I don't understand the weather today. It was :cold: when I took the dog out for her walk. Then someone obviously remembered to change the sun's batteries and it got very hot, very quickly. :heat:
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