Tea? (Part 2)

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My Armchair


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
There are some sick breeders out there.

The breed evolved from some spontaneous mutations and there's nothing particularly sick about creating the breed. They take some getting used to but they are nice cats. Because of the hairlessness they tend to be kept indoors and warm and they do need owners who are prepared to groom them weekly i.e. bathe them to wash off surplus skin oils etc.

My pal's Sphynx cat was very friendly and it loved to retrieve small rubber cat toys that you threw for it. She never seemed to tire of the game.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Stop showing off.

Hitting the road now guys I may be some time. Enjoy the tea and save me some cake for later. :-)

I think I will go back to sleep Zzzzzzz


West Somerset

Popped my head out of the garden door last night, just on the off chance, and saw a shooting star. Dog likes to spend hours sitting and staring up at the night sky so she was thrilled to have a companion.



Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
Did you have a good trip, Vern?

The North Coast path was brilliant....but it's a bit of a culture shock coming back, though.

It was a blast. There were section of the Elbe Radweg missing - swept away by the floods and awaiting replacement. Amsterdam was cool, Prague fine, Berlin was buzzin'. Ate conservatively, drank excessively and managed to lose weight.
Discovered the pleasures of absinthe, revisited Konditories, had an evening in the Arab quarter of Berlin eating Shawarma, a superior form of doner kebab.

The only down side was the mosquitoes whose population had been swelled by the increased numbers of stagnant bodies of water caused by the floods.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
For about four consecutive years I associated the Perseid showers with excessive beer consumption and a specific location, Pooley Bridge at Ullswater. I blamed the beer and was dismayed when I subsequently discovered that the shooting stars were real and not imaginary.


Legendary Member
:hello: Mornings all! No shooting stars for me, I was in bed at 9pm. I know, I'm so rock n roll eh? This morning I'm trying Green Tea. Jurys still out till the second cuppa. Oh and we have :sun:, but a tad chilly. Just how I like it. Perfect running / cycling weather. :becool:
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