Tea? (Part 2)

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My Armchair
Just seen this on one of my friends FB :wub: (not the fireman)

fire cat.jpg

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Just seen this on one of my friends FB :wub: (not the fireman)

View attachment 27547

Ok you have the mog i will have the fireman :rolleyes:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I drived a train! :hyper:

Well, ok, mostly I was training as a fireman, but I had to learn how to stop it if the driver was taken ill or fell out, and then he let me drive it forwards to run round at the end of the line.

Here I am, getting the fire going:

This was 'my' engine:

And here I am towards the end of the day, suitably refreshing myself:

Great fun, and hard work. My arms ache, mostly from holding on tight as we rattled backwards and forwards.

When we can spare the time, I'll do another day, see how much I remember.

But now, a well earned :cuppa:

Night Train

Maker of Things
It was so good to see Arch enjoying herself on Montalban.:wub: Well worth the effort of my Thursday nights volunteering there and getting to know the rest of the chaps to get her training on the footplate.:thumbsup:

However, many of the guys were confused as to why Arch got the chance to train before I did until I explained I had done it all for her birthday, and tbh I would rather drive the diesel shunters shunting trucks about and making things in the workshops.

I did see something I rather fancied today, a Scammell Mountaineer.:wub:


Vice Admiral
Just seen this on one of my friends FB :wub: (not the fireman)

View attachment 27547

OOOhhhh Fireman :wub:
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