Tea? (Part 2)

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My Armchair
Thank you CJ (the nice one) :thumbsup:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
So colin and potsy how are the diets coming along :whistle:
When I got ill, I was about 16 st 9 lbs on my dodgy scales, and had a 49 inch waist. I currently weigh 13 st 8 lbs on the same scales, and my waist is now about 39 inches. I'm aiming for 12 st 0 lbs - 12 st 4 lbs on those scales, and a 32-33 inch waist!

Obviously, I would get there a lot quicker if I gave up chocolate but, to be frank, being celibate, sober, recreational drugs-free, poor and depressed is bad enough, without going choc-free too! :laugh:

By my highly inaccurate calorie counting method I burnt around 2000 calories on todays ride, still got over 900 to use up before midnight :thumbsup:
You are forgetting that you are on a weight-loss regime, not a weight-maintenance one!


Vice Admiral

Mathematics is not your strong point then? Assuming you start with fourteen bars of chocolate. If you eat two of the bars of chocolate, this leaves twelve bars. Twelve is divisible by three.

Or you could eat five bars, leaving nine, which again is divisible by three. :whistle:


Puzzle game procrastinator!

Mathematics is not your strong point then? Assuming you start with fourteen bars of chocolate. If you eat two of the bars of chocolate, this leaves twelve bars. Twelve is divisible by three.

Or you could eat five bars, leaving nine, which again is divisible by three. :whistle:
Yeahbut ... I wanted more than 2 bars this evening, so option #1 was out. 5 bars would have been ok because 7 turned out to be a couple too many, but I will be alone tomorrow night, so I'd have had to eat 5 again because 9 would be too many, and then I'd have to eat the remaining 4 in front of sis and b-i-l on Monday! :laugh:

Eurosport is running in another window - Arctic Norway in summer looks rather lovely!


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
Like tea.jpg


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
No...they arrived yesterday, but I've only just got round to opening the pack.
I've got a few bits on order at the moment.
I'd have opened them sooner, only I thought it was some spare inner tubes for the Brompton.
I can't get very excited about inner tubes somehow.
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