Tea? (Part 2)

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Vice Admiral


My Armchair
My surname is Macfarlane. At school the standard quip was "have you got a light mac? No but I've got a dirty brown overcoat"
I knew I'd seen you somewhere before :giggle:



Puzzle game procrastinator!
My evil stepsprog has returned from Germany with a boxed set of 6 different chocolate bars for me! :hyper:

I was going to squeeze in a 3rd fast this week, tomorrow, but I am going out for a veggie fry-up breakfast and will be meeting bromptonfb later in the day for cake in a second cafe visit, and will be faced with the survivors of tonight's choc attack tomorrow evening, so forget 600 calories - it isn't going to happen! Actually, it is going to happen - very rapidly in fact, but the first 600 calories will be closely followed by another 600, then another 600, then ... :whistle:


Vice Admiral
I have found some new cake tins for the Tea? room. ^_^




Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I have found some new cake tins for the Tea? room. ^_^



NT bought me a piece of cake that looked just like that first one, this afternoon. It was such a big piece I couldn't finish it and had to share it with my colleague. Funnily, NT managed his piece all alone.

We're back in Manchester now, having spent the afternoon helping small children decorate plastic bottle elephants, flowers and octopuseseses.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
My evil stepsprog has returned from Germany with a boxed set of 6 different chocolate bars for me! :hyper:
Humble apologies ... There are 6 types of chocolate bar, but there are 14 bars in total - 2 of each type, plus an extra 2.

Since 14 is only divisible by 2 and 7, and it would clearly be delusional to attempt to make 14 small bars of chocolate last a week, I am forced to eat 7 tonight and 7 tomorrow night. (I dare not leave the second 7 any longer than that because my sister and her husband are coming up for a week the following day, and 3 into 7 does not go. Well, it would go 2.3333... times, but that would clearly be stupid!)

So, in front of me now are the following bars:
  • Milk chocolate with chopped hazelnuts
  • Fine milk chocolate
  • Dark chocolate with marzipan
  • Milk chocolate with butter biscuit x 2
  • Milk chocolate with praline
  • Milk chocolate with corn flakes. (HUH?) Yes ... milk chocolate with corn flakes!

Let battle commence ...
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