Tea? (Part 2)

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
You should get on well then :whistle:
There are some similarities between us, but I don't gleefully fling myself upon piles of horse crap before sliding down vertiginous muddy slopes into swollen Pennine moorland streams, and then wondering how to get out! Okay, I did do that once or twice on my mountain bike, but not deliberately! :laugh:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Tea and toast in bed, then I have to go out and get some craft supplies for tomorrow, a birthday card for my Mum, and some groceries.

Then I have to strip some lavender flowers, bottle some flavoured vinegar and oil., make labels for them and the redcurrant jelly, and sew up a flower shaped lavender bag. And then if there's still time, decorate a plastic basket to make it look nice to put them all in.

And by then, NT may have arrived!


First bit done, plus I've roasted some squash seeds in paprika, as an experiment.

Having a bit of lunch, and then I'll get on with the rest...


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
I feel dizzy just reading about it xx(

Err, as good a navigator as I am I'm not quite sure, I leave the route planning to those with a slightly better understanding than myself, though in this case the route could involve some unexpected 'detours' across fields and parks as it's @Hacienda71 doing it :whistle:
You are going to Flash, the highest village in England at an altitude of 1518ft :evil:Oh and I have avoided fields and parks, just hills. :whistle:
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