Tea? (Part 2)

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My Armchair

I've just accidently eaten a strawberry cornetto, all within my strict daily allowance :whistle:
Planning to burn it off on Saturday when I finally drag my ass up some proper-ish hills :tongue:

Night Train

Maker of Things
At the railway this evening I started off shoveling hardcore out of a wagon onto the base of the future engine shed. Some new track was laid leading to the engine shed and the soon to be completed turntable. There was about a quarter of the wagon full of hardcore left when I arrived so got on with it.

Later we did a bit of delicate shunting, moving a boiler and axle less loco that was balanced on a flat truck out of a shed and then hand rolling the axles into the shed before putting the loco back in again. The loco was not tied down and so it wobbled quite a lot on the wooden blocks packed between it and the flat truck.

Then we stopped to have a :cuppa:
I was quite impressed that there is such a thing as this.

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Night Train

Maker of Things
Oh, earlier today I was driving along Ashton Old Road following a large truck with a plant moving flatbed in slow moving traffic. We were in lane one, of two, when the lorry indicated to move into lane two. I took a quick peek down the left side and saw a cyclist. I thought 'The truck driver is giving the cyclist a wide pass. Cool!'. The truck driver stayed out and a second peek showed that the bus up ahead had stopped at a bus stop and the truck was going to pass it.

As the truck got to the rear of the bus the cyclist had caught up again in lane one, passed me, and then decided to get a tow by hanging onto the chains on the side of the truck just ahead of the rear axles.
I thought that was a bloody stupid thing to do as there wasn't enough space between the truck and the bus and the cyclist was either going to hit the bus or go under the truck wheels!
At the last moment the cyclist let go of the truck and did an emergency stop behind the bus. The truck and I both overtook the bus leaving the cyclist behind.
As I passed the bus and started to return to lane one I noticed the cyclist was now on the pavement riding through the people at the bus stop.

Later on I saw my left turn and indicated and set up my position ready to make my turn. The cyclist caught up with me, still on the pavement, and then decided to hop off the pavement and back into the road adjacent to me just as I was about to start my turn into the side road. I stopped to let him pass me on the left and watched as he then drifted back towards the curb on the corner grazing his front tire and nearly falling off in front of me. He didn't though and after a few wobbles continued on his way.

The cyclist never once looked around him, behind him, nor acknowledged the existence of any other road user or pedestrian except when he held onto the truck for a tow.

The cyclist was probably either really stupid, or under the influence I guess.


Legendary Member
The cyclist never once looked around him, behind him, nor acknowledged the existence of any other road user or pedestrian except when he held onto the truck for a tow.

The cyclist was probably either really stupid, or under the influence I guess.

I'm a firm believer in Darwins theory. Every time I see a cyclist such as this, I consider that in 50 years or so, these people would have eradicated themselves out of the gene pool purely from their own stupidity. :thumbsup:

Morning all :hello:. Up early today for some reason. Sigh. 2nd :cuppa: on the patio. Note to self, never eat cheese before bedtime, as scary dreams result. :ohmy:.

On the up side. It's Friday !!!! :wahhey:


West Somerset
I'd like to go up in a hot air balloon then jump out of it with a parachute! :hyper: .
Hmm. Think I'd prefer to do those separately. :thumbsup:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Morning all! What a difference it makes to one's frame of mind when you can cancel the alarm when it goes off, go back to sleep, and wake up naturally an hour later....

Tea and toast in bed, then I have to go out and get some craft supplies for tomorrow, a birthday card for my Mum, and some groceries.

Then I have to strip some lavender flowers, bottle some flavoured vinegar and oil., make labels for them and the redcurrant jelly, and sew up a flower shaped lavender bag. And then if there's still time, decorate a plastic basket to make it look nice to put them all in.

And by then, NT may have arrived!



Puzzle game procrastinator!

I've just accidently eaten a strawberry cornetto, all within my strict daily allowance :whistle:
Planning to burn it off on Saturday when I finally drag my ass up some proper-ish hills :tongue:
Oh, I thought you were waiting for me to be ready to join you ... :sad:

Only kidding - have fun! :hello:

Where are you going?

I have the tail end of the dog walking week to complete. Which reminds me - I promised to do today's morning poo patrol to give Jeff's grandmistress a lie-in, so I had better get round there before there are any pongy accidents (not those of a sweet-eating variety)!


My Armchair
I'd like to go up in a hot air balloon then jump out of it with a parachute! :hyper: .
I feel dizzy just reading about it xx(

Where are you going?
Err, as good a navigator as I am I'm not quite sure, I leave the route planning to those with a slightly better understanding than myself, though in this case the route could involve some unexpected 'detours' across fields and parks as it's @Hacienda71 doing it :whistle:


West Somerset
I feel dizzy just reading about it xx(

Err, as good a navigator as I am I'm not quite sure, I leave the route planning to those with a slightly better understanding than myself, though in this case the route could involve some unexpected 'detours' across fields and parks as it's @Hacienda71 doing it :whistle:

So who's up for a CC Tea? vertigo challenge?


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I can see that regular dog-walking would keep you fit but it is a big commitment, and one reason why I am not a dog owner!

Heavy showers are forecast for when Jeff's afternoon walk is planned, and there is also the question of his late evening walk. Last day today though - his owners are coming up for him tomorrow.

I'll be glad to be able to relax a bit more, but he isn't such a bad little fella; barking mad though! :laugh:
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