Tea? (Part 2)

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Night Train

Maker of Things
@Lullabelle I saw this in a York house window and thought of you. ^_^


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I'm watching a home restoration thing on telly. It's a Scottish castle. They were just saying how to get central heating into some parts, they had to drill holes through 2 feet of stone floor. I was thinking we have it easy at NT's.

Then, they knocked out some bricks from what they thought was a window, and it turned out to be a door into a whole new room they didn't know they had!

NT - do NOT find any more rooms! We've got enough to do!;)

Night Train

Maker of Things
Then, they knocked out some bricks from what they thought was a window, and it turned out to be a door into a whole new room they didn't know they had!

NT - do NOT find any more rooms! We've got enough to do!;)
I found three small additional rooms, and an attic entrance, in the house during earlier building works.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Once did a survey in an old farmhouse which I couldn't get to work, there was a whole eight foot section unaccounted for on the plan when I drew it out... we had thoughts of skeletons clawing at the wall or a tunnel to the church. A builder broke through with some trepidation... turned out just to be a disused cellar store. Boo.
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