Tea? (Part 2)

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Enjoy all your rides today im off to work ....... again. Only 4 more years to go and then i can become a REAL cyclist :laugh:


West Somerset



West Somerset
:wub: in advance


Vice Admiral
There were some lovely pics of young cats on the website of the local Cats Protection League, which is where both Leo and Tasha resided when they chose me as their new slave. ^_^ But I could not copy and paste the pics on here. :unsure: One of them looked so much like Tasha, that by the time it was full grown, even I might have had trouble telling them apart. :laugh:

Night Train

Maker of Things
Alfie is having serious mental issues with his new cat flap... he's worked out how to go out but he's not bright enough to get back in....

...though, surprisingly, he's quite capable when he can see his food waiting.
My old Lab cross, Barney, was not able to get through the cat flap, oh no, no way.:thumbsdown: He could get his head and one paw through but his shoulders were just far too big to make it. :headshake:
Definitely no way could Barney get through that teeny tiny cat flap....

....unless there was the rustle of a sweet wrapper on the other side, then Barney would fly through, Superman style, and his fur would barely touch the sides! :giggle:
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