Tea? (Part 2)

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Midlands UK
Oh yes, he's a good actor. I hope they provide him with suitably good writing to get his teeth into, and he doesn't end up proving how good he is at making the best of something rather too childish.

TBH that is why I stopped watching, the show became hard to watch, silly and childish, shame really. Maybe they were loosing viewers which is why they made such a hoo ha this time


Senior Member
The Shire

Aye slow going in the office this morning..easing into the swing of things gently.


Midlands UK
I have today off and taking things slowly, Breakfast was at 10.45, eggs have been boiled, washing up done and just thinking of what to do next. Not much, feel really :tired: again today, good nights sleep just feel a bit limp.


West Somerset
I have today off and taking things slowly, Breakfast was at 10.45, eggs have been boiled, washing up done and just thinking of what to do next. Not much, feel really :tired: again today, good nights sleep just feel a bit limp.

I'm gearing up to cycle into town to get some bits n bobs. And by gearing up, I mean making more :cuppa:. Suspect my punishment for said procrastination will be yet another bike ride in the :rain:.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Something quite sweet just happened ...

I was walking home past a group of young children who were playing in our backstreet, and one 8 or 9 year old looked at me and said "Hello, Bike Rider Man"! The 4 year old playing with him looked quite impressed and said "Are you really Bike Rider Man?"

I replied that I was indeed Bike Rider Man, but today I am disguised as Man Who Walks. They thought that was pretty funny ... :thumbsup:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
It's a bit of a treat to sit here in my flat have my dinner served to me, even if it is only pizza!

I was going to make a salad, but the cucumber had gone manky.

Night Train

Maker of Things
Great i love cleaning and restoring order, put your feet up im on my way :hugs:
Hold on, I'll just pm you the address of my workshop. :thumbsup:


West Somerset

Didn't make it into town after all. Was all set and then the heavens were torn open and tried to drown us all, accompanied by thunder and the kind of darkness you normally only get at 3pm if it's the middle of winter. Nap fans will be pleased to hear I gave up resisting the urge to sleep and conked out on the sofa instead.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill

Didn't make it into town after all. Was all set and then the heavens were torn open and tried to drown us all, accompanied by thunder and the kind of darkness you normally only get at 3pm if it's the middle of winter. Nap fans will be pleased to hear I gave up resisting the urge to sleep and conked out on the sofa instead.

Good idea conking out like that. Darkness brings on sleepiness too
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