Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
So far this evening TVC has had a pitta bread with smoked salmon tararamasalata and a packet of scampi fries, I have had 4 medjool dates and a couple of grapes.

I once went to a Footlights show, and there was a sketch where one of the guys was taking his Grandma to lunch - only it was just him, the grandma was invisible and inaudible, you got her dialogue only by his responses. You also gathered that she was slightly deaf. Firstly, he took a while to explain that it was a vegetarian restaurant. A VEG-E-TAR-IAN RESTAURANT GRANDMA!

Then he started to read out the menu.

"... Taramasalata. Taramasalata, Grandma. TA-RA-MA- <pause, counting syllables on fingers> SA-LA-TA!"

I always think of that sketch when I hear the word.

It's only just occurred to me this minute though, that taramasalata isn't vegetarian.


Midlands UK
A few days ago I commented to TVC about 2 cd's that I could fancy next time we decide to buy from amazon, he promptly bought them and I now have 1 of them on the table next to me. Won't get played whilst he is around for fear of him poking himself in the eye with a fork. When cd number 2 arrives they will both go onto my ipod :thumbsup:


Legendary Member
:hello: we've done a hard 55miles today in 30c weather.

We are now camping in a delightfully named place called Tossens. :giggle: - please don't tell Fnaar.

I forgot to mention that we met Tigerbiten (of CC and other fora) in Brunsbuttel yesterday. He is on the last leg of a 3000 mile trip up through Europe, Scandinavia and round Iceland and back again. He's on a recumbent and trailer.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

Looks like the tour's going well so far. I've met Tigerbiten a couple of times on forum rides, amazing man total respect. On one forum ride last year coming back from Northampton he had his recumbent and trailer, as it was rather warm we were all hoping he had some beer in it for all of us. :sad: sadly no.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Flippin eek it is HOT HOT HOT just got back from my extended evening ride and I think I am about to burst into flames, at one point I got up to over 40 mph going down from the moors into Otley and there was no cool breeze at all, all you could feel was the heat coming off the road even the head wind was hot :heat: not that I am complaining mind but I have a bit of a head ache now.

Night Train

Maker of Things
I have been learning how to shunt trucks with a tiny diesel shunter called Planet! :hyper:

Planet is a F C Hibberd & Co 28HP Diesel, Works No 2555

I only got to drive planet running solo for now but have been learning all the signals and points and the logistics of reorganising rolling stock with the minimum of hand shunting. I also have to learn about all the different types of coupling used on the railway and how to make do when there is a mismatch.

:tired: now.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I have been learning how to shunt trucks with a tiny diesel shunter called Planet! :hyper:

Planet is a F C Hibberd & Co 28HP Diesel, Works No 2555

I only got to drive planet running solo for now but have been learning all the signals and points and the logistics of reorganising rolling stock with the minimum of hand shunting. I also have to learn about all the different types of coupling used on the railway and how to make do when there is a mismatch.

:tired: now.



West Somerset
Ah so did I. However the washing machine has decided that after 12years it's time to dawdle off to washing machine heaven. Sigh. Along with the petrol mower which has just given the grass it's last cut. I'm about to start the hoovering...I suspect that things come in threes and I shall be forced to visit the metropolis ( Sudbury ), at the weekend with my friend the credit card. :-(

You've not posted since. Should we be concerned? :unsure:
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